This list shows some RevBayes tutorials for learning various aspects of RevBayes and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Each one explicitly walks you through model specification and analysis set-up for different phylogenetic methods. These tutorials have been written for M2 students in Lyon, to provide an example of how to use relative time constraints for dating in RevBayes, or for the Computational Molecular Evolution course in Cambridge.
Please see the Tutorial Format guide for details about how to read the tutorials.
Setting up an analysis using RevBayes
Preparing your computer to work with phylogenetic data in RevBayes
TP1 Implementing Bayesian inference with RevBayes
Inferring the divergence time between Human and Chimpanzee
TP2 Phylogenetic reconstruction on nucleotide data
Phylogenetic inference with the Jukes Cantor model
TP3 Nucleotide substitution models
Parameter estimation and tree inference
TP4 Codon models
Substitution models for protein-coding sequences
TP5 Molecular dating and relaxed clock models
Estimating (relative) divergence times among primates
Evol Mol TP1a - A primer on Bayesian phylogenetic models
Phylogenetic inference with the Jukes Cantor model
Evol Mol TP1b - Nucleotide substitution models
Estimating substitution (and mutation) rates between nucleotides
Evol Mol TP1c - Codon models
Substitution models for protein-coding sequences
Dating with relative constraints
Constraining the relative order of nodes when dating a phylogeny
Bayesian phylogenetic inference with GTR
Parameter estimation and tree inference
Bayesian Model Comparison and Model Averaging
Power-posterior analysis and reversible-jump MCMC analysis