TP1 Implementing Bayesian inference with RevBayes

Inferring the divergence time between Human and Chimpanzee

Nicolas Lartillot

Last modified on September 13, 2022

In this tutorial, we will first do simulations, and then conduct our first Bayesian analysis, using RevBayes. We have empirical data, in the form of a sequence alignment between two species (Human and Chimp). We can count the number of differences between the sequences of these two species. We also have some knowledge about the mutation rate in apes. Based on these data, we would like to infer the divergence time between Human and Chimp.

The data

The file HC.nex contains an alignment with $N=878$ aligned nucleotide positions, between Human and Chimp. This alignment is a concatenation of 17 nuclear genes, for which only the 4-fold degenerate third codon positions have been kept. To visualize this alignment, you can open it with SeaView. Out of these $N=878$ nucleotide positions, $k_{obs} =11$ are different between the human and the chimpanzee sequences.

We use only the 4-fold degenerate third codon positions because all mutations at these positions are synonymous, and therefore, we can assume that they are neutral (they are not under selection). As a result, the rate at which substitutions will accumulate over time is equal to the mutation rate.

Based on the whole-genome sequencing of families (trios), the mutation rate per generation in Human has been estimated at $u = 2.10^{-8}$. Similar experiments have been conducted in Chimpanzees, giving similar estimates. The generation time in Humans is around $\tau = 30$ years. It is a bit shorter in Chimpanzees, however, for simplicity, we will ignore this, and we will assume that the generation time has always been 30 years in great apes.

The Jukes-Cantor distance

The rough estimate obtained in the last section does not take into account two complications:

Here, we derive some mathematical identities that will give us a more accurate estimation procedure.

We will now use these mathematical relations in two different ways. In a first step, we will simulate the evolution of genetic sequences, assuming a given value of the divergence time $T$ (in fact, we will only simulate the number of differences $k$, and not the entire DNA sequence). In a second step, we will rely on the observed number of differences $k_{obs} = 11$ to infer the divergence time $T$.

Simulating the evolutionary process

In this section, we will use RevBayes to write a little program that simulates the number of differences in the alignment, given the mutation parameters and the divergence time between the two species. This will give us a first practical introduction to RevBayes. We will do this directly in the command line environment offered by RevBayes. You can start RevBayes by just typing:


You should now be in the command line environment of RevBayes.

In this environment, we can first define the parameters of the model (using a syntax that looks very much like R):

# number of aligned nucleotide positions
N <- 878
# mutation rate per generation
u <- 2e-8
# generation time
tau <- 30

Based on these parameters, we can express the substitution rate per Myr:

# substitution rate per million years
r <- u / tau * 1e6

Then, for the purpose of simulation, we assume a certain value for the divergence time between human and chimp: let’s say 6 Myr.

T <- 6

Now, we define a function which, given $r$ and $T$, returns the probability for a given position to be different between the two species (what we have noted $q(r,T)$ above):

q := Probability(( 1 - exp(-2*4/3*r*T)) * 3/4)

Here, there is an important thing to notice: we did not write ‘q <- Probability…’, but ‘q := Probability’. What does that mean exactly? To understand this, you can make the following experiment: first, print the value of $q$:


Now, change the value of $T$:

T <- 4

And finally, print again the value of $q$:


Finally, change the value of $T$ back to 6, and print again $q$. What do you see? Essentially, the variable $q$ ‘keeps an eye’ on the variable(s) on which it depends (here $T$). If those variables change their value, then $q$ also updates its value, based on the formula that was used for its definition. Formally, $q$ is called a deterministic variable as it depends on other variables through a deterministic relationship, that was instantiated through the ‘:=’ deterministic assignment operator.

Finally, we can proceed with the random variable $k$:

k ~ dnBinomial(q,N)

Here, we use another symbol: ‘~’, which is called the stochastic assignment operator. This is just saying that $k$ is a random variable drawn from a binomial distribution of parameters $q$ and $N$. Of note, if you try to print $k$ several times (make the experiment), you will always get the same value (the one that was drawn when you first defined $k$). If you want to re-draw the variable, you have to do it explicitly:


In fact, you can use this to draw multiple times and see the distribution of values of $k$, using a for loop:

for (i in 1:10) { k.redraw(); print(k) }

Here again, you can try to change the value of $T$, say, set $T$ equal to 6, or to 20; and then redo 10 draws of $k$. What do you observe?

Bayesian inference and estimation of the divergence time

(To avoid interference with the work done above, it can be useful to refresh the environment by closing the current RevBayes session, using the ‘quit()’ function, and then open a new session.)

General overview: To conduct Bayesian inference, we will use the same model as the one just explored, except that, now, we do not specify a value for $T$. Instead, we specify a prior distribution for $T$. This prior represents our state of knowledge about $T$, before we have seen the empirical data (the sequence alignment). In the present case, we will consider that we don’t know anything a priori about this divergence time, except that it is between 0 and 20 Myr. Mathematically, we represent this by assuming a uniform distribution over $T$. In RevBayes, we can draw $T$ from this prior as follows:

T ~ dnUniform(0,20)

Thus, now, $T$ is a random variable (just like $k$). We just need to introduce this random $T$ in the model already considered above. So, we start by defining the fixed parameters (the constant) of the problem:

# number of aligned nucleotide positions
N <- 878

# mutation rate per generation
u <- 2e-8
# generation time
tau <- 30
# substitution rate per million years
r <- u / tau * 1e6

Next, we define our random $T$, from a uniform prior:

T ~ dnUniform(0,20)

Given $T$, we define, as before, the probability of a nucleotide difference $q$:

q := Probability(( 1 - exp(-2*4/3*r*T)) * 3/4)

and finally, the total number of differences $k$:

k ~ dnBinomial(N, q)

Now, we want to condition the model on the observed count ($k = 11$) and sample from the posterior distribution on $T$. To condition the model, we just say that we have observed this random variable $k$, and it turns out that its value was 11 – in other words, we ‘clamp’ it at this observed value:


So, in summary, we can describe the whole problem, step by step:

Constructing the Monte Carlo inference

Our model is now complete, and we capture it as a whole:

mymodel = model(T)

With this instruction, the entire model will be captured by RevBayes by searching for all stochastic and deterministic model variables that are interconnected, directly or indirectly, to T. Here, $q$ depends on $T$, and $k$ has a distribution that depends on $q$, so these three model variables, $T$, $q$, and $k$, will be captured in ‘mymodel’.

Next, we need to specify how we want to ‘move’ the free random variables of the model. Here, we have clamped $k$, so it cannot move. As for $q$, it is not a random variable. On the other hand, $T$ is a random variable, and it is not clamped: it is in fact the variable that we want to estimate. So, this variable should be allowed to ‘move’ during the MCMC. Here, we use a ‘sliding’ move:

moves[1] = mvSlide(T)

Note that ‘moves’ is a vector. Here, it has only one entry, but this is because our model has only one free random variable. In more complex models, we will have several types of moves, for different variables of the model (the tree, the rate of evolution, the nucleotide frequencies, the dN/dS, etc).

Next we want to monitor the MCMC. To do this, we make a vector of monitors (or monitoring streams):

monitors[1] = mnModel(filename = "analyses/apes_mcmc.log", printgen=10, separator = TAB)
monitors[2] = mnScreen(printgen = 10, T)

The first monitor will write the sequence of values of T in a file called apes_mcmc.log, in the folder analyses. The second monitor will output a summary to the screen.

Finally, we construct an MCMC object, which gathers all of the modules: the model, the monitors, and the MCMC moves:

mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves)

Now, we can run the model for 30 000 generations: = 30000)

After the MCMC has run, a file named apes_mcmc.log has been created in the folder analyses. This file contains all of the 3000 values of T visited during the MCMC (why only 3000 and not 30000?).

Model variables

A very important point here: there are several types of variables in revbayes, which are defined using different assignment operators:

As for model variables, they can be either stochastic ($T$ and $k$), or deterministic ($q$).

The dependencies between the model variables can be visualized in terms of a graphical model. This point will be explained on the board.

Monte Carlo inference using built-in phylogenetic tools

The model considered above is highly specialized and works only for two species. We can re-implement the model considered above using the built-in functions and distributions proposed by RevBayes. This will give an introduction to the tools that we will then use in more complicated situations.

The idea is to proceed as follows:

Of note, starting from now, it can be more convenient to write the series of commands, such as specified below, in a script, rather than in the command-line environment of RevBayes. Then, you can run RevBayes directly on the script ‘scriptname.Rev’ with the following command in the terminal:

rb scriptname.Rev

We now proceed step by step. First, we load the data, from the nexus file called ‘HC.nex’, which contains the sequences for Humans and Chimpanzees:

data <- readDiscreteCharacterData("HC.nex")
taxa <- data.taxa()

Then, we specify the substitution rate (mutation rate per Myr), as above. Here, it is a constant:

# mutation rate per generation
mu <- 2e-8
# generation time
gentime <- 30
# mutation rate per Myr
r <- mu / gentime * 1e6

As above, we put a uniform prior on the age of the most recent common ancestor, between 0 and 20 Myr. And then, we create the tree. This is a time tree, which has only two branches, so we do not have to care about the tree topology.

T ~ dnUniform(0, 20)
tau ~ dnUniformTimeTree(T, taxa)

We then create the rate matrix for the Jukes-Cantor model

# JC substitution process
Q <- fnJC(4)

And then we invoke a substitution process along the tree $tau$, according to the Jukes Cantor substitution process $Q$, with an absolute substitution rate $r$, producing a DNA sequence alignment. Finally, we say that this process has led to the observed data; thus, we condition on the sequence alignment:

seq ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree=tau, Q=Q, branchRates=r, type="DNA" )

As above, we pull out the model starting from one of the model variables (here, the age $T$):

mymodel = model(T)

And then we propose a scaling move on $T$, a series of monitors, and create the MCMC:

moves[1] = mvScale(T)

monitors[1] = mnModel(filename="analyses/jc.log", printgen=10, separator = TAB)
monitors[2] = mnScreen(printgen=100, T)

mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves)