Installing and using RevBayes with conda

Nicolas Lartillot, Bastien Boussau

Last modified on September 6, 2022

Revbayes on linux or Pedago-NGS

To work on Linux or Pedago-NGS, you first need to install conda. Once this has been done, installation of RevBayes can proceed as indicated further below.

To install conda:

wget -O ~/
conda init

Installing Revbayes

We suggest that you install RevBayes in an environment. Environments are a nice way to encapsulate programs and settings without changing the parameters of your entire system. The environment we will create is called revbayesenv, and we will install all the software we need within this environment.

conda create --name revbayesenv
conda activate revbayesenv
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install revbayes
conda install tracer
conda install figtree
conda deactivate

Using Revbayes

Assuming we have installed our programs in the environment revbayesenv, to use them we just need to activate it.

conda activate revbayesenv
conda deactivate

Suggested folder organization

We like to create 3 folders: one for scripts (scripts), one for the data (data), and one for the output from the analyses (analyses).

mkdir scripts
mkdir data
mkdir analyses

To work on a script, one can use a text editor like nano:

cd scripts
nano myScript.Rev